Remember Benjamin Franklin’s saying: by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail ?

Step 1 : come up with a plan BEFORE your ski holiday.

What kind of skier do you want to be ? Start planting in your brain the right seed right now and work on your thought matrix. Because skiing starts in your head. No matter how much you read about technique, how often or how long you ski and train, or how many lessons you take, you need to have the correct mindset before you hit the slopes. By clearly defining the type of skier you long to be, you set up the playground upon which you will execute the correct thoughts and cues on a particular slope.

Photo credit @psychneuron

Let’s take a look at what it takes to expand your comfort zone and switch from defensive to offensive skiing before you even kick off your ski season:

  • GET YOURSELF A NICE DIARY.                                                                             

  • On the first page, write down in bold letters “I AM A ………..….. SKIER” (fill in the blank with your new identity : beautiful, graceful, confident, fluid, whatever you want to become).
  • PAGES 2 – 3 : MY GOALS
  • On the second page, set your skiing goals and on the opposite page define in details the kind of skier you want to be.
  • On page 4, write down the detailed circumstances of your best run ever, where was it, when, what kind of conditions etc. and on the opposite page write down the thoughts, feelings and emotions you went through, when during the run/during the turn, and how they appear, where in your body you feel them, and how strong, what words were going through your mind, what sounds were you hearing or what music was playing in your head. Be as specific and detailed as possible.
  • On page 6, write down the detailed circumstances of the worst nightmare you experienced on the slopes, which run, where, when, what kind of conditions etc. and on the opposite page write down the thoughts, feelings and emotions you went through, when and how they appear, where in your body you feel them, how strong, what words were going through your mind, what sounds were you hearing or what music was playing in your head. Be as specific and detailed as possible.
  • PAGES 8 – 9 : MY POWERFUL JEDI TOOLS (trust Nathalie, your ski Yoda!)
  • On page 8, find and write down your Magic Word  that will help you calm down and keep you on the task next time you find yourself uncomfortable or in panic mode. I use the word “smooth” and repeat it every single turn because with this single word, I don’t rush and I start to move progressively, it reminds me to breathe properly and to make round turns. Use any word(s) that resonate with you. And remember to put a smile on your face : it changes your internal biochemistry and helps you relax.
  • Just before skiing that run causing you problems or while you are navigating that tricky section (low visibility/people everywhere/icy/bumpy/steep etc.), using Positive self-talk in a kindly manner will enable you to control and manage your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions and your response when skiing. Write down now beforehand what you could gently tell your panicking self. Positive self-talk and the Magic Word are great tools to maintain your confidence level everywhere on the mountain !
  • On page 9, write a detailed scenario of you skiing with flow on that tricky run or section so you can visualize it and rehearse it. Mental imagery is a powerful tool to prepare for that icy / narrow / steep / low visibility / bumpy section. Visualize yourself skiing it with flow by using mental images that are as realistic, detailed, and as specific as possible, like your surroundings, the sounds you can hear, and the feelings you experience. Use the circumstances on page 5 (what you experienced and felt on your best run ever) and apply them to that tricky run. If it doesn’t work, rewind the movie in your head and repeat. Rehearse again and again (before you go to bed, in the shower, whenever and wherever you feel like!) until it flows and you know the movie by heart. Next time you are on the chairlift and you know you are about to hit your dreaded run / conditions, close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and play your movie. You will be surprised at how much better you navigate the slope. Give it a try and let us know how it goes !

To sum up, the power of changing your thought patterns and your belief codes is in your hands. Knowing your circumstances in advance and that every single tricky situation has a defined beginning and an end will give you the peace of mind of confident skiers.

Who will be the ones to really commit and post a picture of their new skiing diary ? Join us on the private Facebook group now and let us know which tools helped you the most !